


2023/24 Eastern Shore Minor Hockey Association Registration


Attention parents with children born in 2017, 2018 & 2019, become a U7 Mariner!

Registeration for the U7 Division starts August 2023.
Season starts September 30 2023 and runs until March 2024. 
Ending with our Annual U7 Jamboree March TBA

Highlights of the U7 Program:

·        Registration Fees: $430 (You pay $320 due to rebate from jamboree and ESMHA) 2023  

·        Includes 40 hours of ice (2 x one-hour sessions per week)

·        Once a month off ice conditioning (optional)

·        Tim Horton’s sponsored Timbit jersey and socks

·        Jamboree weekend

·        Online Raffle Box 50/50 draws (the player gets back 38% of their tickets sold to go towards next year’s registration)

·        Payment plans (including a 3 payment etransfer option)

·        … & so much more fun!


“What if my child doesn’t like it?” We offer prorated refunds until January 15th, 2024! (Please note included in the registration fee is the nonrefundable $75 player’s insurance). 

Please do not hesitate to reach out for more information regarding a payment plan that suites your family’s needs. Check out our website for application links for special funding you may qualify for, more information on how to register and all other Mariner’s Hockey information.

Website: www.esmariners.ca

Registrar @ esmha-registrar@hotmail.com

U7 program inquiries? Contact the U7 Coordinator, Danielle, at danielle_owen@hotmail.com